Class UpdatePersistentSubscriptionToStreamOptions

  • public class UpdatePersistentSubscriptionToStreamOptions
    extends java.lang.Object
    Options of the update persistent subscription to stream request.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      T authenticated​(UserCredentials credentials)
      Sets user credentials for the request
      T authenticated​(java.lang.String login, java.lang.String password)
      Sets user credentials for the request
      T checkpointAfter​(java.time.Duration value)
      The amount of time to try to checkpoint after.
      T checkpointAfterInMs​(int value)
      The amount of time in milliseconds to try to checkpoint after.
      T checkpointLowerBound​(int value)
      The minimum number of messages to process before a checkpoint may be written.
      T checkpointUpperBound​(int value)
      The maximum number of messages not checkpointed before forcing a checkpoint.
      T deadline​(long durationInMs)
      A length of time (in milliseconds) to use for gRPC deadlines.
      T disableExtraStatistics()
      Disable tracking of latency statistics on this subscription.
      T disableLinkResolution()
      prefer notResolveLinkTos()
      T enableExtraStatistics()
      Enable tracking of latency statistics on this subscription.
      T enableLinkResolution()
      prefer resolveLinkTos()
      T extraStatistics​(boolean value)
      Whether to track latency statistics on this subscription.
      static UpdatePersistentSubscriptionToStreamOptions from​(PersistentSubscriptionToStreamSettings settings)
      Returns options from a persistent subscription to stream settings.
      UpdatePersistentSubscriptionToStreamOptions fromEnd()
      Starts the persistent subscription from the end of the stream.
      UpdatePersistentSubscriptionToStreamOptions fromStart()
      Starts the persistent subscription from the beginning of the stream.
      static UpdatePersistentSubscriptionToStreamOptions get()
      Returns options with default values.
      T historyBufferSize​(int value)
      The number of events to cache when catching up.
      T liveBufferSize​(int value)
      The size of the buffer (in-memory) listening to live messages as they happen before paging occurs.
      T maxCheckpointCount​(int value)
      prefer checkpointUpperBound(int)
      T maxRetryCount​(int value)
      The maximum number of retries (due to timeout) before a message is considered to be parked.
      T maxSubscriberCount​(int value)
      The maximum number of subscribers allowed.
      T messageTimeout​(java.time.Duration value)
      The amount of time after which to consider a message as timed out and retried.
      T messageTimeoutInMs​(int value)
      The amount of time in milliseconds after which to consider a message as timed out and retried.
      T minCheckpointCount​(int value)
      prefer checkpointLowerBound(int)
      T namedConsumerStrategy​(NamedConsumerStrategy value)
      The strategy to use for distributing events to client consumers.
      T notRequireLeader()
      Do not require the request to be performed by the leader of the cluster.
      T notResolveLinkTos()
      Don't resolve linkTo events to their linked events.
      T readBatchSize​(int value)
      The number of events read at a time when catching up.
      T requiresLeader()
      Requires the request to be performed by the leader of the cluster.
      T requiresLeader​(boolean value)
      If true, requires the request to be performed by the leader of the cluster.
      T resolveLinks​(boolean value)
      prefer resolveLinkTos(boolean)
      T resolveLinkTos()
      Resolve linkTo events to their linked events.
      T resolveLinkTos​(boolean value)
      Whether the subscription should resolve linkTo events to their linked events.
      UpdatePersistentSubscriptionToStreamOptions startFrom​(long revision)
      Starts the persistent subscription from a specific revision number.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • enableLinkResolution

        public T enableLinkResolution()
        prefer resolveLinkTos()
      • disableLinkResolution

        public T disableLinkResolution()
        prefer notResolveLinkTos()
      • resolveLinks

        public T resolveLinks​(boolean value)
        prefer resolveLinkTos(boolean)
      • resolveLinkTos

        public T resolveLinkTos​(boolean value)
        Whether the subscription should resolve linkTo events to their linked events. Default: false.
      • resolveLinkTos

        public T resolveLinkTos()
        Resolve linkTo events to their linked events.
      • notResolveLinkTos

        public T notResolveLinkTos()
        Don't resolve linkTo events to their linked events.
      • enableExtraStatistics

        public T enableExtraStatistics()
        Enable tracking of latency statistics on this subscription.
      • disableExtraStatistics

        public T disableExtraStatistics()
        Disable tracking of latency statistics on this subscription.
      • extraStatistics

        public T extraStatistics​(boolean value)
        Whether to track latency statistics on this subscription. Default: false.
      • checkpointAfter

        public T checkpointAfter​(java.time.Duration value)
        The amount of time to try to checkpoint after. Default: 2 seconds.
      • checkpointAfterInMs

        public T checkpointAfterInMs​(int value)
        The amount of time in milliseconds to try to checkpoint after. Default: 2 seconds.
      • historyBufferSize

        public T historyBufferSize​(int value)
        The number of events to cache when catching up. Default: 500.
      • liveBufferSize

        public T liveBufferSize​(int value)
        The size of the buffer (in-memory) listening to live messages as they happen before paging occurs. Default: 500.
      • maxCheckpointCount

        public T maxCheckpointCount​(int value)
        prefer checkpointUpperBound(int)
      • checkpointUpperBound

        public T checkpointUpperBound​(int value)
        The maximum number of messages not checkpointed before forcing a checkpoint. Default: 1000.
      • minCheckpointCount

        public T minCheckpointCount​(int value)
        prefer checkpointLowerBound(int)
      • checkpointLowerBound

        public T checkpointLowerBound​(int value)
        The minimum number of messages to process before a checkpoint may be written. Default: 10.
      • maxSubscriberCount

        public T maxSubscriberCount​(int value)
        The maximum number of subscribers allowed. Default: 0 (Unbounded).
      • maxRetryCount

        public T maxRetryCount​(int value)
        The maximum number of retries (due to timeout) before a message is considered to be parked. Default: 10.
      • messageTimeout

        public T messageTimeout​(java.time.Duration value)
        The amount of time after which to consider a message as timed out and retried. Default: 30 seconds.
      • messageTimeoutInMs

        public T messageTimeoutInMs​(int value)
        The amount of time in milliseconds after which to consider a message as timed out and retried. Default: 30 seconds.
      • readBatchSize

        public T readBatchSize​(int value)
        The number of events read at a time when catching up. Default: 20.
      • namedConsumerStrategy

        public T namedConsumerStrategy​(NamedConsumerStrategy value)
        The strategy to use for distributing events to client consumers.
      • authenticated

        public T authenticated​(UserCredentials credentials)
        Sets user credentials for the request
        credentials -
        updated options
        See Also:
      • authenticated

        public T authenticated​(java.lang.String login,
                               java.lang.String password)
        Sets user credentials for the request
        login -
        password -
        updated options
      • requiresLeader

        public T requiresLeader()
        Requires the request to be performed by the leader of the cluster.
        updated options
      • notRequireLeader

        public T notRequireLeader()
        Do not require the request to be performed by the leader of the cluster.
        updated options
      • requiresLeader

        public T requiresLeader​(boolean value)
        If true, requires the request to be performed by the leader of the cluster.
        value -
        updated options
      • deadline

        public T deadline​(long durationInMs)
        A length of time (in milliseconds) to use for gRPC deadlines.
        durationInMs -