Class PersistentSubscriptionSettings

    • Method Detail

      • getCheckpointAfterInMs

        public int getCheckpointAfterInMs()
        The amount of time in milliseconds to try to checkpoint after.
      • getCheckpointAfter

        public java.time.Duration getCheckpointAfter()
        The amount of time to try to checkpoint after.
      • isExtraStatistics

        public boolean isExtraStatistics()
        Whether to track latency statistics on this subscription.
      • shouldResolveLinkTos

        public boolean shouldResolveLinkTos()
        If true, link resolution is enabled. The best way to explain link resolution is when using system projections. When reading the stream $streams , each event is actually a link pointing to the first event of a stream. By enabling link resolution feature, EventStoreDB will also return the event targeted by the link.
      • getHistoryBufferSize

        public int getHistoryBufferSize()
        The number of events to cache when catching up. Default 500.
      • getLiveBufferSize

        public int getLiveBufferSize()
        The size of the buffer (in-memory) listening to live messages as they happen before paging occurs. Default 500.
      • getCheckpointUpperBound

        public int getCheckpointUpperBound()
        The maximum number of messages not checkpointed before forcing a checkpoint.
      • getMaxRetryCount

        public int getMaxRetryCount()
        The maximum number of retries (due to timeout) before a message is considered to be parked.
      • getMaxSubscriberCount

        public int getMaxSubscriberCount()
        The maximum number of subscribers allowed.
      • getMessageTimeout

        public java.time.Duration getMessageTimeout()
        The amount of time after which to consider a message as timed out and retried.
      • getMessageTimeoutMs

        public int getMessageTimeoutMs()
        The amount of time in milliseconds after which to consider a message as timed out and retried.
      • getCheckpointLowerBound

        public int getCheckpointLowerBound()
        The minimum number of messages to process before a checkpoint may be written.
      • getReadBatchSize

        public int getReadBatchSize()
        The number of events read at a time when catching up.
      • getNamedConsumerStrategy

        public NamedConsumerStrategy getNamedConsumerStrategy()
        The strategy to use for distributing events to client consumers.
      • isResolveLinkTos

        public boolean isResolveLinkTos()
        If true, link resolution is enabled. The best way to explain link resolution is when using system projections. When reading the stream $streams , each event is actually a link pointing to the first event of a stream. By enabling link resolution feature, EventStoreDB will also return the event targeted by the link.